Especially designed for the Visionaries, Guides & Spiritual Practitioners - leading in Authenticity & Love in the New Earth Frequencies.
These sessions are designed to support you to be in your Authenticity, Alignment, Discernment & be a Clear Conduit Channel to support your clientele - for the highest good of all.
This package is for You who is already in the revolution of your inner work (shadow work/inner child healing - if you are not and wish to receive support, please see the 1-1 Mentoring page)...
And are seeking soul-deep support & guidance with:
The 'blind spots' showing up in your life
Connection with your higher dimensional divine councils
To receive wisdom through reclaiming your sovereignty in the layers of shadow work appearing from within
To clear hidden contracts etc. that are not serving you
To flourish in your spiritual practice with access to new tools, modalities & gifts
To clear the depths of your channels and fine-tune your frequency
To receive insights & tips for your life, relationships with others & biz, in alignment with your Gene Keys & Human Design charts...
The list is endless, because these sessions are so unique!
I have worked with many practitioners who had 'thought they were doing the shadow work', yet they met the depths of wisdom in places they hadn't reached...
Who had 'thought they were aligned and clear' in their energy, yet they had uncovered some blocks & interesting entities that were in the way of their expansion...
Or had 'thought they were connected with' with high vibrational support and then they expanded exponentially - anchoring in light, codes,
wisdom, modalities, connection & high vibes into your everyday life!
This package is for the Spiritual Practitioners who are called to journey in this divine alchemy; calling in new skills, tools & modalities, letting go of stagnant energies, embracing new depths of wisdom in shadow work & embodying your soul-aligned abundance frequencies!
And the best part is that this ultimately supports you, your clients and those around you!
Embody the freedom of Your Sacred Self, Authenticity & Truth!
Practitioner's Package Includes:
• Monthly 1-1 90min Session via Zoom (6 in total)
• Monthly Remote Divine Clearing & Healing (6 in total)
• An Energy Check-in on your Socials Branding + Advertising
• Your Services & Offerings advertised through Nickie-Jean's socials
• Your unique Human Design chart, with resources, tips, & support
• Your unique Gene Keys chart, with support for your personal
growth & wisdom journey
6 Month Journey - $369 NZD per month