The inner healing journey is often overlooked and pushed aside, yet this is a fundamental part of your life because...
You free yourself from the patterns, thoughts, beliefs and vibes that are holding you in places that you don't want to be...
You create a new foundation to platform off on purpose - as the creator of your soul-aligned, authentic & abundant life that lights you up...
You end the cycles of holding onto unhealed wounds and leave a legacy for your future generations to come (who won't have to unravel the inner work that you didn't do)...
And you create a positive ripple in your wake!
Would you rather reflect on your life in the opportunities, growth, fun & miracles you experienced or what you could've done and experience more lifetimes of the growth that you didn't choose?
"What you do Nickie-Jean, is so special!!! And I'm so grateful for my sessions with you. Super, super worth it and more! If anyone wants to crack open their ultimate superpowers and have whatever your desires -
Nickie-Jean is the girl to guide you!"
1-1 Mentoring Client Feedback
Feel the Magic for Free
"To anyone who needs to see this,
I can't explain everything that NJ (Nickie-Jean) has taught me in human
words; I wish I could and maybe one day I will!
But for now, I will say that having someone like NJ will change
your life for the highest and greatest good -
but only you have the choice to find this out for yourself.
It is an incredible journey of healing, consciousness and
unconditional love for yourself and humanity."
Nickie-Jean is here for You - the Leaders, Guides, Visionaries & Change-Makers.
Who are ready to: live in your divine purpose, authenticity, soul gifts & highest potential
in service of the greater good!​
You were born for this - to be leading in love, connection & unity in your full expression because you know that the current way of existing is no longer working and you're ready to be part championing this great shift forward!
Whether it's in your soul-biz, community work, healing modalities, family life... if you're ready to rocket forward by having the depth of your unconscious hidden wounds alchemized so they are no longer holding you back from being all of your unique gifts and potential and actually be in the freedom of being the creator of your life - enjoying your manifestations and serving a greater purpose, then check out the life-changing packages available for you!
Nickie-Jean uses a holistic approach - applying her signature spiritual modalities + studied psychology strategies
+ deep wisdom + divine support to create a compassionate & safe space to support you to be
living in the freedom of your Sacred Self. You will be guided for you to receive your aligned solutions,
because you contain all of the answers within.​
It truly is a miraculous & transformative experience!
"I'm so glad I met NJ when I did. I'd reached a plateau in my journey, and the 'chasing the love and light' approach wasn't feeling aligned (anymore). NJ expertly and compassionately guided me to face some of my biggest shadows head on, while also empowering me with the knowledge, resources and tools to continue this essential work beyond our sessions together. She has an extraordinary depth of wisdom and clarity, and is highly articulate in her responses - which were refreshingly direct and not always comfortable to hear.... but this is part of her remarkable gift - to reflect back to us exactly what it is that we need to look at, in order to unleash the magic within and propel ourselves forward into exciting new territory and possibilities! I also really appreciated NJ's professional approach and the boundaries has in place for herself in terms of responding to clients, for example; she practises what she preaches and this is an important consideration for me when choosing who to work with. I learnt SO much about myself within a relatively short time frame with NJ, and my perspective has shifted (for the better) in ways I hadn't anticipated. For one thing, I now understand that the emotional highs and lows I've experienced for as long as I can remember, are part of my unique design - a gift to be embraced, rather than a character flaw or something to be 'corrected'. This is life changing!! NJ, I can't thank you enough for taking me on as a client, and for living and loving into ALL of who YOU are - which is such a gift for humanity.
Bless you, Arohanui
Amy, The Brave Space